Sunday, January 18, 2009

Orange Pinapple Apple Juice

I know that I have been completely neglecting my blog for the past 19 days

which actually doesn't seem so long in retro-spect

It seems in life that only big important things are taken to notice

When reading the paper, people are more likely to read things that affect their life, rather than the death of the local cashere at McDonald's

Whuch might affect few people

I haven't blogged, because there isn't a whole lot of interesting out of the ordinary crazy-random happenstances in my life

Except I've been reunited with orange pinapple apple juice that I haven't had in like a year
It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooood

Still looking for a song for musical auditions

oh well

Can never focas long enough to do it
If I have the will-power, and earge to, I have to either talk to someone, something, walk around while doing it, or play with a hair tie in my hands

Hair ties are quite entertaining. Don't try flicking them at people that know where you live (teachers)

The mail-man knows where you live too, just saying

Sister got new beta fish; name is Cornelius

I didn't get a beta fish. If I had, I would have renamed it each week

Probably not though

Fish aren't as cool as my other pets though

Life hasen't changed a whole lot for me.
Busy with basketball, play, retarded homework that a third grader could figure out....except science
But life is pretty good


Shaelan said...


Hayley said...

haha ur welcome shaelan
i didn't realize how concerned you were

Anonymous said...

Orange Pineapple Juice? Sounds yummy!
Valentine <3